Project Details
The Cleveland Metro Parks Restroom and Concession Stand renovations were done in two phases, replacing the existing structures in the park's off-season. The upgrades required the electrical service to be revised, as well as the extension of a new water main to the site. In an effort to reduce energy consumption, the HVAC and plumbing designs utilized an energy recovery ventilator and an instantaneous water heater. The open nature of the restroom necessitated vandalism-resistant design considerations as well. The building systems have been designed with sustainability and longevity in mind, looking forward to a bright future in the park.
The Cleveland Metroparks revealed major improvements at Huntington Beach in Bay Village with the completion of a $1.6M project that includes the opening of The Noshery, a redevelopment of the concessions building, restoration of the historic water tower, and new accessible bathrooms and a changing facility.
Bay Village, OH
Parks & Recreation
2,700 SF