Project Details
Hudson, OH
19,990 SF
This project included new construction of a bus dispatch and maintenance facility (10,190 SF) for the Hudson City Schools, a salt storage facility (9,800 GSF) for the City of Hudson’s Service Department, and improvements to the Koberna property site.
The HVAC design for the dispatch and lockers included a high efficiency furnace/AC split system with 100% enthalpy controlled air economizer. The Driver’s Lounge was served by a Single Zone VAV system with demand controlled (CO2) ventilation sequence. The garage bays were heated with infrared radiant heaters. Ventilation strategy included variable speed fans controlled by CO/NO2 toxic gas detection system. Mechanical sequences of operation have been coordinated with the District’s Building Automation System vendor to ensure energy efficient operation of the facility.
Plumbing design included domestic water, sanitary and natural gas systems. Oil waste design included trench drains, piping, and a concrete oil interceptor. Garage bays were also equipped with centralized compressed air and lubrication systems. Fire protection design included both wet and dry sprinkler systems.
Electrical design included main service, power distribution, receptacle and equipment wiring (which includes overhead cord reels for convenient power in the garage bays), interior lighting, site lighting, and lighting controls. Systems design included fully specified fire alarm and CO/NO2 gas detection systems, communications equipment racks, and data outlet cabling. Rough-ins were provided for future security and card access systems.