Project Details
Two existing 69 kV air break switches in the plant substation were replaced and coupled to motor operators. This allowed the plant electrician to perform switching operations remotely from within the substation control house and eliminated the need for an electrical contractor to manually operate switches inside the substation yard.
Existing 2250 kW and 1750 kW generators were upgraded with catalytic converters to allow the plant to participate in summertime peak shaving programs and generate revenue to offset electric utility costs. An interconnection application was filed with the utility company and substation intertie protective relays prevent the generators from exporting power to the utility grid.
The generator paralleling controls and touchscreen allow generators to operate in Island mode: generator power only; Baseload mode: fixed generator power with variable utility power; or Import mode: variable generator power with fixed utility power. Controls are automatic upon loss of utility and can be remote controlled via the GE iFix SCADA system.
Akron, OH
Public Utilities
2,500 SF