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Boiler Plant

Project Details

The design consisted of refurbishing and relocating three existing 600 BHP Vapor Power boilers and a deaerating feedwater heater to the proposed new site. Additional features of the project that are being furnished include: 


  • A boiler feed pump skid

  • A condensate receiver tank with duplex transfer pumps

  • Blowdown separators

  • A flash economizer

  • A water softening system 

  • A chemical treatment system 


The boiler plant's operations will also be automated by a new building automation system. A new compressed air plant fitted with dual variable speed air compressors was included as well. The associated high pressure steam and condensate piping, the medium and low pressure steam and condensate piping, the compressed air piping, and the electrical utilities are all being reworked to accommodate the new plant. A new boiler room was constructed in an existing open warehouse location to house the new and relocated/refurbished equipment. 






Akron, OH


Central Plant


4,808 SF

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